Do you like to do jigsaw puzzles? I remember hearing the story my father used to tell about a woman he had visited. She loved putting puzzles together. As he spoke with her, he watched her do an amazing thing. As they were talking and she found a piece that didn’t quite fit right, she would reach over and pick up her fingernail file and shape the edge so it would fit. She wouldn’t take the time to go and look for another piece that might fit in that place, she could make it fit herself… even if the picture didn’t always look right at the end.
Sometimes we treat people that way too… unfortunately, even in the church. Sometimes we need a person to coordinate a special activity and we force someone to “fit,” even if their personality, passions or gifting does not work well with that position.
I believe God has a place of service for each individual and because He made each of us, that place He has designed fits perfectly with us. We may be stretched or experience growing pains, but oh, how fulfilling it is to be in the “sweet spot” where God intends!
This Sunday we are going to be doing something I have been thinking about for months. We are going to be having a Ministry Fair. In the hallway between the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall we will have several tables set up with information about many different ministries. This will be a way to get more info about a ministry you might be considering getting involved in – and we have LOTS of opportunities to get involved.
Our goal is to help you find your place in the Kingdom of God. I know when people serve in their area of gifting, they see how God is working in their life. When they see that, all of a sudden, they realize they are growing spiritually. We want to be disciples, growing in our knowledge, love and life of service for Jesus. I hope you will take a few minutes to investigate as you leave church this Sunday. See you there!
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