July 9, 2017
Being offended is more about your perception than what is in the heart of the other person. Staying offended has a lot to do with being unforgiving. Learn 3 ways to NOT be the offender.
Hoopeston, IL
July 9, 2017
Being offended is more about your perception than what is in the heart of the other person. Staying offended has a lot to do with being unforgiving. Learn 3 ways to NOT be the offender.
June 18, 2017
Learn 2 ways Grace cannot be attained. Real Grace is a gift from God.
March 19, 2017
Why read the Bible? What do we get from it? We can’t grow closer to Jesus or know what God has in store for us if we don’t read The Word.
September 18, 2016
Reboot means to start again; to make a change. Jesus has always been about rebooting people. If we love God first then love for others will fall into place. Our nature is to be self-centered, allow God to Reboot your heart and become other-centered. If you have a new heart you will think of others… Read More »
May 29, 2016
Today, Pastor Micah and Pastor Dan opened the floor to questions that we all may have but have been afraid to ask. Take a listen and see if you have ever had any of the same questions. If there is something you’ve been wanting to ask but have never had the opportunity, please feel free… Read More »
March 6, 2016
What is Religion? False religion perverts grace. Man made Religion fools you. What does man made Religion mean? God’s rules are about not hurting ourselves or others. Religion to keep-Love God first! with all you heart, soul, mind & strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. Do to others as you would have others do to… Read More »
January 24, 2016
What is marriage? Pastor Dan sets a clear picture of what TO DO in our marriages so the enemy does not attack them.