I am excited to share with you an idea I have been developing. I have shared with you before how the Old Testament is the foundation of the New Testament, but that many Christians don’t understand much of its content or significance. The Old Testament is history, but it sets the stage for us to understand Christ and His work. There we find understandings about God and us, as well as pictures and prophecies of Jesus. The whole scope of the Old Testament history is significant for us. And since many Christians are unfamiliar with the Old Testament, we miss out on that richness.
That is why starting Sunday, Oct. 13, we are going to take a 40 day walk through the Old Testament. I am calling it OT Walk. Why forty days? I’m so glad you asked! Forty is a significant number in the Bible when it comes to walking with God or learning from Him. Jesus fasted and prayed for 40 days after His baptism. Moses spent 40 days on the Mountain of God receiving the Law. The Israelites spent 40 years wondering in the wilderness and learning who God is. Jesus taught the disciples 40 days after the resurrection before he ascended. If you search, you will find this number to pop up lots of times and places.
Throughout this 40 Day Walk, each day I will be introducing the word or phrase of the day. Along with that we will have Scriptural passage that you can read related to that theme. We will be producing a short video (less than 2 ½ minutes) going over the major point of that day and reviewing some memory tools to help remember the themes and order as we walk through the Old Testament. Each Sunday I will be speaking about the major events and themes of the Old Testament. We are still working out some of the details on posting the video, whether it will be on Facebook or the website, but it is a journey worth taking. I am excited to process that with you.
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